Bachelor en Sciences de l'Education

The Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences trains the teachers of tomorrow to work in all cycles of primary school, in all levels of public schools, in classes of the preparatory track of general secondary education, and in the supervision of children with specific and individual needs in Luxembourg. You will develop your own teaching style based on the theoretical framework taught during classes and the practical skills acquired during internships.

Admission requirements
  • Hold a Luxembourgish secondary school diploma or a foreign diploma recognized as equivalent to the Luxembourg diploma,
  • Pass the entrance exam which takes place every year at the beginning of July
The programme

240 ECTS/ 8 semesters

Registration fees:

  • Semester 1+2: 400€/semester
  • Semester 3-6: 200€/semester
Teaching languages

French, German, Luxembourgish, and English


From March to mid-May

Le Bachelor en Sciences de l'Education :
a training that is both academic and practical.
A comprehensive program

Students develop their own teaching style based on the theoretical framework taught during classes and acquire practical skills through internships in Luxembourgish schools. They are encouraged to adopt a self-reflective attitude and engage in continuous professional development. Students carry out theoretical and practical projects in various areas related to education, including language learning, mathematics, science, arts and aesthetics, sports, and health.

The study program

The Bachelor's program in Education Sciences is structured into modules, which are delivered through lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical work, or field experiences

  • Learning and Development
  • Teaching and Schooling
  • Researching in Schools
  • Language Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Physical Education
  • Aesthetics Education
  • Value Education
  • Classroom Tutoring
Program structure